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In The Meantime...

Here's How Your Child Can Be Mentored By One Of The UK's Leading Tutors Throughout Their Whole Education Life... For Less Than £2.30 Per Week! 

From The Desk Of Jeevan Singh

UK's Leading Tutor & Author of the bestselling book: GCSE Maths In Four Weeks
Dear parent,

2020-2021 has been a very difficult year!

The continuous closing and re-opening of schools has caused many students’ grades to fall dramatically.

In fact, I came across a shocking study recently by a school in Wales, and it said:

Just 17 days absent from school a year could mean a drop in a GCSE grade in all subjects!

That’s only a little over 2 weeks…

So just imagine how far children have fallen behind considering the amount of school they’ve missed over the past year?! 

We’re looking at a potential loss of three (or more) grades across all subjects!

Now this will obviously have a severe impact on their long-term development and career prospects...

Especially in maths, where 97% of jobs now require at least a pass (4-5) grade at GCSE, and all top universities require at least a 6 (B) grade.

And I feel it’s totally unfair that parents have to bear the brunt of this unfortunate situation. After all, parents have their own jobs and careers to worry about...

Which is why, I’m going to do everything I can to help your child, not only get through the most difficult period since peace time, but actually get better grades than ever before! 

Introducing for the first time ever in my 10 year teaching career...
The School Of Underdog Achievers

A Weekly Mentoring Program That Will Teach Your Child How To Excel In School, College Or University & Come Out On Top... Even During The Toughest Of Times!


WARNING: Enrolment Is Open Until Midnight, Or When Initial 100 "Founding Member" Spots Have Been Taken (Whichever Comes First!)

Here's Everything You Get When You Join Today
One Piece Of High Value Content Each Week
I will personally create and deliver this content myself (and not outsource it to a teenage kid from the Philippines).

Content will be delivered in one of the following formats: text, audio or video because countless studies have shown that children learn best through multiple mediums. 

One piece of content each week is enough to enrich your child’s learning whilst keeping overwhelm down to a minimum. 

The content will also be pre-constructed and delivered via email so your child can go through it at their own leisure. There is no set time commitment, any complicated tech involved or feeling awkward because your child has to show up to any lessons live.
Topics Will Go Beyond The Scope Of GCSE Maths
Not only will I cover some very advanced GCSE Maths questions at times, but I will also give my specialist advice on all other areas of education such as:
  • How to tackle the most challenging maths questions of the syllabus by modelling the thought processes of an A / A* (8 / 9) student
  • The best way to create a revision schedule and why working back-to-front will maximise your results in the long run
  • How to excel in all your subjects at the same time!
  • The most crucial area in your revision yet it goes widely unnoticed. This is where the A / A* (8 / 9) grades are achieved. In fact, I used this principle to revise for my A-Level Business and A-Level Sociology a day before the final exam and I got the highest grades in my entire year group! I even scored 100% in my Sociology exam!
  • How to ace your exams without locking yourself in your bedroom all day and damaging your mental & physical health
  • The secrets to scoring 100% in an exam. I have done this numerous times and so have many of my students. Follow these tips and strive for a perfect score in your next set of exams!
  • How to build unshakeable confidence no matter what the exam, teacher or life throws at you!
  • Simple motivation tactics to crush your daily tasks even if you don’t feel like getting out of bed in the morning!
  • How to master time management so you can get all the important stuff done and still have plenty of time to do other things
  • My personal productivity tips to achieve maximum results in minimum time
  • The quickest way to develop and maintain good success habits that will, not only contribute to better exam results, but spread into all other areas of your life.
  • Top mind-set hacks to instantly tune out the distractions around you and develop a laser-like focus towards your study schedule and exam grade goals
  • Proven methods to eliminate exam stress and anxiety
  • Step-by-step strategies to get into your first choice sixth form or university with relative ease
  • How to succeed in a job interview including a weird 3-liner you can use that will totally "flip the script" and have the employer keen on hiring you, as opposed to them "cherry picking" from a sea of applicants.
  • Latest news and trends in Higher Education & the Jobs Market so your child is kept up to date and one step ahead of everyone else. This will allow them to take full advantage of future opportunities.
  • How the world's top magicians and illusionists remember multiple decks of shuffled cards, and every street name in a random city. Use the same techniques to memorise entire GCSE syllabuses at warp speed, and feel super confident when you're about to take your final exams, even if they fall one after the other!
  • And much more!
This advice is based on years of experience in working with students 1-to-1, as well as having private consultations with some of the world’s leading educators. Your child will get access to all of this valuable advice, as part of The School Of Underdog Achievers, and it will enable them to flourish in all areas of education and not just passing Maths exams. This means this program is not just for GCSE students. It is suitable for A-Level, University and even Primary School students too!
Expert Guest Contribution To Weekly Content
Over the years, I have built connections with some of the world’s leading educators, and from time to time, I will ask them to contribute to the weekly content. 

For instance, I may invite the UK’s leading memory expert and author of the GCSE Total Recall System book, Dr Chan, to publish a short audio or video training, explaining how to unlock the 90% of the brain you don’t use, so you can remember everything you need for your upcoming exams in record time!
First Refusal On 1-to-1 Online Tutoring Sessions With Me
I am usually fully-booked when it comes to tutoring students privately, 1-to-1 but if a space becomes available, I will let my students of The School Of Underdog Achievers know first as opposed to the general public.
Exclusive Discounts On All My Books And Courses That You Won't Find Anywhere Else! 
Access To Resources And Materials That You Can't Find Anywhere Else!
For instance, a carbon copy of my ‘Personal Statement’ to get into a top 10 UK university - Kings College London... GCSE, A-Level & University coursework... personal A-Level Maths notes and cheat sheets... primary school Maths notes and cheat sheets… more-or-less all the resources I use when tutoring students, privately, on a 1-to-1 basis. 

I will distribute these materials strategically throughout the course of the program, alongside the main content. These resources are “ready-made” and take all the heavy-load off your child’s shoulders. All your child has to do is memorise the key notes / points, apply them in their respective exam and achieve the highest grade possible!
Latest News And Trends In Higher Education & The Jobs Market
Your child will be kept up to date on the biggest and best opportunities in the job market today and in the near future. There is no point excelling in your school or university exams if you don’t know where it will lead to or how you can benefit from it. Having access to this insider knowledge will allow your child to pick the ideal career path and maximise their income and wealth in the long run.
Here's Everything You Get When You Join Today
One Piece Of High Value Content Each Week
I will personally create and deliver this content myself (and not outsource it to a teenage kid from the Philippines).

Content will be delivered in one of the following formats: text, audio or video because countless studies have shown that children learn best through multiple mediums. 

One piece of content each week is enough to enrich your child’s learning whilst keeping overwhelm down to a minimum. 

The content will also be pre-constructed and delivered via email so your child can go through it at their own leisure. There is no set time commitment, any complicated tech involved or feeling awkward because your child has to show up to any lessons live.
Topics Will Go Beyond The Scope Of GCSE Maths
Not only will I cover some very advanced GCSE Maths questions at times, but I will also give my specialist advice on all other areas of education such as:
  • How to tackle the most challenging maths questions of the syllabus by modelling the thought processes of an A / A* (8 / 9) student
  • The best way to create a revision schedule and why working back-to-front will maximise your results in the long run
  • How to excel in all your subjects at the same time!
  • The most crucial area in your revision yet it goes widely unnoticed. This is where the A / A* (8 / 9) grades are achieved. In fact, I used this principle to revise for my A-Level Business and A-Level Sociology a day before the final exam and I got the highest grades in my entire year group! I even scored 100% in my Sociology exam!
  • How to ace your exams without locking yourself in your bedroom all day and damaging your mental & physical health
  • The secrets to scoring 100% in an exam. I have done this numerous times and so have many of my students. Follow these tips and strive for a perfect score in your next set of exams!
  • How to build unshakeable confidence no matter what the exam, teacher or life throws at you!
  • Simple motivation tactics to crush your daily tasks even if you don’t feel like getting out of bed in the morning!
  • How to master time management so you can get all the important stuff done and still have plenty of time to do other things
  • My personal productivity tips to achieve maximum results in minimum time
  • The quickest way to develop and maintain good success habits that will, not only contribute to better exam results, but spread into all other areas of your life.
  • Top mind-set hacks to instantly tune out the distractions around you and develop a laser-like focus towards your study schedule and exam grade goals
  • Proven methods to eliminate exam stress and anxiety
  • Step-by-step strategies to get into your first choice sixth form or university with relative ease
  • How to succeed in a job interview including a weird 3-liner you can use that will totally "flip the script" and have the employer keen on hiring you, as opposed to them "cherry picking" from a sea of applicants.
  • Latest news and trends in Higher Education & the Jobs Market so your child is kept up to date and one step ahead of everyone else. This will allow them to take full advantage of future opportunities.
  • How the world's top magicians and illusionists remember multiple decks of shuffled cards, and every street name in a random city. Use the same techniques to memorise entire GCSE syllabuses at warp speed, and feel super confident when you're about to take your final exams, even if they fall one after the other!
  • And much more!
This advice is based on years of experience in working with students 1-to-1, as well as having private consultations with some of the world’s leading educators. Your child will get access to all of this valuable advice, as part of The School Of Underdog Achievers, and it will enable them to flourish in all areas of education and not just passing Maths exams.
Expert Guest Contribution To Weekly Content
Over the years, I have built connections with some of the world’s leading educators, and from time to time, I will ask them to contribute to the weekly content. 

For instance, I may invite the UK’s leading memory expert and author of the GCSE Total Recall System book, Dr Chan, to publish a short audio or video training, explaining how to unlock the 90% of the brain you don’t use, so you can remember everything you need for your upcoming exams in record time!
First Refusal On 1-to-1 Online Tutoring Sessions With Me
I am usually fully-booked when it comes to tutoring students privately, 1-to-1 but if a space becomes available, I will let my students of The School Of Underdog Achievers know first as opposed to the general public.
Exclusive Discounts On All My Books And Courses That You Won't Find Anywhere Else! 
Access To Resources And Materials That You Can't Find Anywhere Else!
For instance, a carbon copy of my ‘Personal Statement’ to get into a top 10 UK university - Kings College London... GCSE, A-Level & University coursework... personal A-Level Maths notes and cheat sheets... primary school Maths notes and cheat sheets… more-or-less all the resources I use when tutoring students, privately, on a 1-to-1 basis. 

I will distribute these materials strategically throughout the course of the program, alongside the main content. These resources are “ready-made” and take all the heavy-load off your child’s shoulders. All your child has to do is memorise the key notes / points, apply them in their respective exam and achieve the highest grade possible!
Latest News And Trends In Higher Education & The Jobs Market
Your child will be kept up to date on the biggest and best opportunities in the job market today and in the near future. There is no point excelling in your school or university exams if you don’t know where it will lead to or how you can benefit from it. Having access to this insider knowledge will allow your child to pick the ideal career path and maximise their income and wealth in the long run.

WARNING: Enrolment Is Open Until Midnight, Or When Initial 100 "Founding Member" Spots Have Been Taken (Whichever Comes First!)

The School Of Underdog Achievers

A Weekly Mentoring Program That Will Teach Your Child How To Excel In School, College Or University & Come Out On Top... Even During The Toughest Of Times!

4 Main Reasons Why You Should Enrol Today
1.) The world and education system is changing fast as a result of the pandemic.
Parents can no longer rely on just schools alone. Remote-learning will play a key part in your child’s academic success and future development for years to come. 

Why not have me, by your child’s side, mentoring and inspiring them every step of the way? I was in your child’s shoes not too long ago, attending school or university and taking exams, so I know exactly what they are going through right now. I’m sure they will relate and respond to me in a more positive way. I know I used to act differently when a teacher was around. It’s just the way it goes!
2.) Access to the highest level mentorship for literally “pennies on the pound”.
Not only will I be giving you my expert advice on passing exams, but I will also invite other education experts from time to time, like Dr Chan, to share their best-kept secrets and techniques. This will help your child become a well-rounded individual and excel in all areas of education and not just a single subject. 

If your child was to get mentored by any of these education experts, privately, on a 1-to-1 basis, it would cost thousands but when you join the The School Of Underdog Achievers today, you can get access to all of this insider information for literally “pennies on the pound”.
3.) Easy to absorb and apply right away.
I will be delivering 1 piece of high-value content each week, not every day. The content will be short, engaging and actionable so your child can apply this new information in their school studies (and beyond) right away and start experiencing a massive shift in results. I am a big proponent of “less is more” and I know 1 piece of content a week is enough to keep your child motivated and focused, whilst keeping confusion and overwhelm down to a minimum.
4.) Super affordable and benefit from “grandfather” pricing.
As you already know, this mentorship program is extremely affordable and if you join now, you’ll pay the lowest price possible. 

Whereas students who join after the initial launch will pay at least £49.99 / month.

WARNING: Enrolment Is Open Until Midnight, Or When Initial 100 "Founding Member" Spots Have Been Taken (Whichever Comes First!)

The School Of Underdog Achievers

A Weekly Mentoring Program That Will Teach Your Child How To Excel In School, College Or University & Come Out On Top... Even During The Toughest Of Times!

Get Access To These Exclusive Bonuses When You Sign Up Today:
  • My Personal GCSE Maths Notes & Cheat Sheets
  • My Personal A-Level Maths Notes & Cheat Sheets
  • A-Level Maths Past Papers Going Back 15 Years & Questions Arranged By Topic!
  • My Personal Maths Notes & Cheat Sheets For Primary School (KS2)
  • SATS & 11+ Papers And SATS Questions Arranged By Topic
  • My Personal GCSE, A-Level & University Coursework Where He Achieved Straight A / A*s (Where Applicable)
  • My Personal Statement That Got Me A Place At All The Universities I Applied For Including My First Choice Kings College London (A Top 10 University At The Time). Plus, You Will Get Personal Statements Of My Friends & Family – Almost All Of Which Were Accepted By The Top Russell Group Universities.
  • My Personal Curriculum Vitae (CV) & Examples Of CVs From Strong Candidates To Help You Land Your Dream Job
  • Pass GCSE Maths Branded Pen
  • Pass GCSE Maths Branded USB Drive - 2GB
  • And Much More!

WARNING: Enrolment Is Open Until Midnight, Or When Initial 100 "Founding Member" Spots Have Been Taken (Whichever Comes First!)

The School Of Underdog Achievers

A Weekly Mentoring Program That Will Teach Your Child How To Excel In School, College Or University & Come Out On Top... Even During The Toughest Of Times!

How Much Is The Investment?
When I was deciding what price to charge for this service, I didn’t want to go too high so as to put it out of reach for most parents, but at the same time, I didn’t want to go too low so you don’t take this seriously.

By charging a slightly higher price, I know you (or your child) will be more committed to consuming the content and following-through on any action points I give you. And this is the most important thing because your child’s results and lifestyle will not change unless they take action when required. 

Not only that, but I based my price on another service that parents, up and down the UK, happily pay for every month – Netflix. 

You see, over 15 million people subscribe to Netflix every month yet, although it will provide some short-term entertainment value at times, it will do absolutely nothing for your child’s academic achievement or long-term financial success.

Whereas, I will be mentoring your child on a weekly basis, showing them exactly what to do (and how to do it) to get top grades at school and secure a high paying job in the future. This is based on many years of experience in tutoring students 1-to-1 and paying thousands of pounds to get consultancy from some of the world’s leading educators.  

The standard Netflix plan is £9.99 / month so I priced it at the same rate to make this an absolute no-brainer for you: 

Join The School Of Underdog Achievers today and put your child on the path to academic & financial prosperity for just £9.99 / month!

When you break it down, that's less than £2.30 a week!

I’m sure you’d agree that you will not find a more generous offer than that, considering everything you’ll be getting in return! 

In short, a world-class tutor, who will mentor your child throughout their entire education life and provide them with the tools, strategies and skill-set to get the best possible grades in school and the highest paying job in the future. 

WARNING: Enrolment Is Open Until Midnight, Or When Initial 100 "Founding Member" Spots Have Been Taken (Whichever Comes First!)

The School Of Underdog Achievers

A Weekly Mentoring Program That Will Teach Your Child How To Excel In School, College Or University & Come Out On Top... Even During The Toughest Of Times!

Refund Policy
There is no refund policy with this particular program but you can cancel at any time.

However, if you choose to cancel your subscription, then you won’t be allowed back in. 

This is because I intend for The School Of Underdog Achievers to be a long-term project and in order for my students to experience life-changing and long-lasting results, they have to stick around.

It’s like the students I tutor on a 1-to-1 basis. The only reason they go on to ace all their maths exams, get into their first choice sixth form or university, and secure their dream job is because they get mentored by me, on a weekly-basis, for months and years on end. 

This is not like a typical, start-of-the-new-year, gym membership where people attend for a few sessions, don’t get their ideal physique, quit and cancel their membership, and then look for the next weight-loss program. 

That is not the kind of students I want in The School Of Underdog Achievers.

But if you are hard-working and determined to succeed and follow my advice when necessary, then I strongly advise you to join right away!

WARNING: Enrolment Is Open Until Midnight, Or When Initial 100 "Founding Member" Spots Have Been Taken (Whichever Comes First!)

The School Of Underdog Achievers

A Weekly Mentoring Program That Will Teach Your Child How To Excel In School, College Or University & Come Out On Top... Even During The Toughest Of Times!

Hurry! Only 100 Spots Available And They Are Going Fast!
Join now before the “Founders” price is gone.

Please bear in mind that your child is joining something brand new and at the “grassroots” level. 

The School Of Underdog Achievers could turn into something very big... and the way the education system is heading and how parents are seeking alternatives to support their child’s education... I would not be surprised if it did. 

The School Of Underdog Achievers may grow to a national-scale where I could be delivering live tutoring sessions virtually, alongside other industry experts, in front of thousands of students, on a regular basis. At which point, the price will most definitely increase to at least £49.99 / month.  

But if you join right now, your child will be “grandfathered in” and you will never pay more than £9.99 / month no matter how big The School Of Underdog Achievers gets in the future. 

However, this exclusive price of £9.99 / month is for the first 100 “founding” members only. After that, I will close the doors for a set period of time. If and when I decide to re-open it, I will charge a much higher price.  

As of now, 96 have already joined The School Of Underdog Achievers and only 4 places remain. At this rate, I will be closing the doors before the time limit is up! Grab one of the last 4 remaining spots now!

WARNING: Enrolment Is Open Until Midnight, Or When Initial 100 "Founding Member" Spots Have Been Taken (Whichever Comes First!)

The School Of Underdog Achievers

A Weekly Mentoring Program That Will Teach Your Child How To Excel In School, College Or University & Come Out On Top... Even During The Toughest Of Times!


Feedback From Parents & Students Who Are Currently In This Weekly Mentorship Program...

WARNING: Enrolment Is Open Until Midnight, Or When Initial 100 "Founding Member" Spots Have Been Taken (Whichever Comes First!)

The School Of Underdog Achievers

A Weekly Mentoring Program That Will Teach Your Child How To Excel In School, College Or University & Come Out On Top... Even During The Toughest Of Times!


And More Feedback From Parents & Students Who Have Been Personally Mentored By Jeevan In The Past...

WARNING: Enrolment Is Open Until Midnight, Or When Initial 100 "Founding Member" Spots Have Been Taken (Whichever Comes First!)

The School Of Underdog Achievers

A Weekly Mentoring Program That Will Teach Your Child How To Excel In School, College Or University & Come Out On Top... Even During The Toughest Of Times!



Q: How will this work?

Jeevan will personally create and deliver 1 piece of high value content a week. The content will be delivered via text, audio or video because countless studies show that children learn best through multiple mediums.

Not only will Jeevan cover some very advanced Maths questions at times, but he will also give his expert advice on all other areas of studying (motivation, mind-set, confidence, work-life balance, focus, efficiency, productivity, etc.). This will help your child become a well-rounded individual and excel in all areas of education and not just a single subject. 

Q: How will I access the content (via a membership site etc.)? 

There will be no “membership site” as such because this will add a whole new layer of complexity. Plus, it will definitely bring about some tech issues i.e. log-in difficulties, lost passwords, not being able to access certain content, etc. 

That’s why, the safest and easiest way for Jeevan to deliver the content is to simply send you the access link via email as soon as it’s ready.

Your child can go through it at their own leisure which means there is no set time commitment, any complicated tech involved or feeling awkward because your child has to show up to any lessons live.  

Q: What age group is this suitable for?

This will be suitable for all GCSE students (year 7 upwards) and above including A-Level & University students. 

Primary school students and students with learning difficulties are also welcome to join but they may need some extra assistance from their parent if a certain topic Jeevan covers is a little advanced.

However, the great thing about this program is Jeevan will be discussing issues which are beyond maths (motivation, mind-set, confidence, work-life balance, focus, efficiency, productivity, etc.) so there will be something here for everyone. 

Q: What is it going to cost? 

A Netflix standard subscription costs £9.99 / month but we have priced it at the same rate (£9.99 / month) to make it an absolute no-brainer for you. After all, what is going to bring you a larger return on your investment further down the line; watching re-runs of your favourite Netflix series or being mentored by one of the UK's leading tutors on a weekly-basis? 

Also, we want your child to take this seriously because Jeevan will be revealing his best-kept learning secrets (stuff that he hasn't even shared with his 1-to-1 students or even his close friends and family before!) and we know it will have a profound impact on their exam results and long-term success. 

By charging a small price, we know your child will be committed to consuming the content and following-through on any action points Jeevan gives them. 

Lastly, keep in mind that this is the lowest price you will pay if you join during the launch phase. We expect this program to grow into something very big in the near future, and when it does, the price will most definitely increase, to at least £49.99 / month. By joining now, you will be “grandfathered” in at the lowest price possible (£9.99 / month) and never pay a penny more!

Q: Are there any hidden charges?

No, there are no "catches", contracts or any hidden charges.

Q: Do you accept another payment method instead of PayPal?

You can pay by debit / credit card through PayPal's secure checkout form - just look for an option called 'Checkout as Guest or 'Checkout as Other' or 'Create an Account'.

Please note that you are not actually "creating an account" through PayPal if you see this option. You are simply giving them an email address to tie the purchase too.

PayPal is still the best option because they provide an extra layer of protection on your purchase.

Q: When will this program start and will you deliver the content on a certain day?

Enrolment closes at midnight, or when we reach full capacity i.e. 100 "Founding Members" (whichever comes first)

Next week (w/c 19th April 2021), Jeevan will send an email to all his new "Underdog Achiever" students asking what they need help with.

Then on the following week (26th April 2021), the program will officially begin. There will be no set day for when the content is released. Instead, Jeevan will personally email you with an access link as soon as the content is ready to consume.

Q: What do I need to do as a parent? 

Not much. You can go about your normal business, knowing peacefully in the back of your mind that one of the UK's leading tutors, Jeevan Singh, is guiding your child every step of the way; from the very first day of revision right up to the day of the exam. 

All you need to do is make sure they consume Jeevan's content on a weekly-basis... And this shouldn't be much of an ask because your child will know that you're paying a small fee for this service each month, and so they will be more committed to following-through on Jeevan's teachings.

Q: I know you said that Jeevan will be delivering a piece of high value content each week, will there be an archive to access the previous weeks’ content? 

You will have lifetime access to all the content that was issued from the date you joined, so you can go over it in your own time, and as many times as you like.

However, you won’t be able to access any content prior to the date you joined, for obvious reasons. Some of our students would have effectively paid for that content and it would be unfair if others got access to it for free.

But we may allow people to “purchase” past content (prior to the date they joined) at some point in the future, but it will most likely cost more than the current subscription rate, at the time. 

Q: How many people can join during the launch? 

We will restrict this to 100 “founding” members initially because truth be told, this is a brand new program. Jeevan has never offered anything like this before and so, it’s important that he tests the waters first. 

Once those 100 places fill up, we will close the doors temporarily and see how it develops. If it does become a growing success, we may re-open it, but at that stage, we will most definitely charge a higher price due to the extra amount of input and management involved to sustain it - at least £49.99 / month.

Q: Can my child submit any questions for Jeevan to answer?

Yes, your child will have access to Jeevan's personal email and he / she can send Jeevan questions.

However, due to the high number of students we expect to come on board, it will be virtually impossible for Jeevan to address everybody's questions at the same time.

But there will be a lot of overlap in the questions posted, and Jeevan will do his best to cover them all, starting with the ones which are most common to all his students.

Q: Does it cost £9.99 / month per student? If I have more than one child, do I need to enrol them separately? 

No, you don't need to enrol them separately. You just need to enrol once.

Think of it as a "household account" - similar to a Netflix subscription. There is one account per family.

Which means, you can have all your children under the same account... and when you break down the fee across multiple kids, this service will literally cost pennies on the pound!

Q: Can I buy any of the bonus resources without joining the main program? 

No, you won’t be able to get these bonus resources anywhere else, unless you become a 1-to-1 student of Jeevan's, in which case, you will be paying hundreds of pounds every month.

The only other way is to join his new program: The School Of Underdog Achievers. 

Q: When can I expect to receive the bonus resources if I enrol today?

Jeevan will not send you all the bonus resources immediately after you enrol. This is to avoid confusion and overwhelm. Instead, Jeevan will distribute these extra materials throughout the duration of the program, to compliment the main piece of content being delivered.

Q: Is there a refund policy if I decide to cancel?

There will be no refund policy on this program but you can cancel at any time. 

However, if you choose to cancel your subscription, then you won’t be allowed to come back in. 

This is because Jeevan intends for The School Of Underdog Achievers to be a long-term project and in order for his students to experience life-changing and long-lasting results, they have to stick around. 

We do not want to attract any short-term “get-results-quick” thinkers or “quitters”. We want to have dedicated students in The School Of Underdog Achievers who will consume all of Jeevan's content and follow-through on the advice he gives them. 

This is the only way they will experience a massive shift in results, not just in education, but in all areas of life.

Q: This sounds great! How do I join?

It's easy, just click the blue button below and sign up.

WARNING: Enrolment Is Open Until Midnight, Or When Initial 100 "Founding Member" Spots Have Been Taken (Whichever Comes First!)

The School Of Underdog Achievers

A Weekly Mentoring Program That Will Teach Your Child How To Excel In School, College Or University & Come Out On Top... Even During The Toughest Of Times!

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